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cover Mag B
Avatar logo | Mag B | Photographe visite virtuelle 360° 3D
  • Mag B
    | photographe visite virtuelle 3D 360

  • Stockholm | Suède
  • Catégorie :

    Photographe 360° / 3D

  • Je parle: Anglais
  • 1 J'aime
    7029 Vue(s)
    Partager le profil

À propos de moi

Interior and architecture photography, spherical / panorama 360 - Virtual Tours. Portrait and art photography, as well as painting pictures and designs. Among others a member of the Svenska Fotografers Förbund, Konstföreningen Zebra-gruppen, Galleri Zeitgeist Community, and European Integration Club.


On her account there are over 200 artistic projects and several valuable awards, such as a Diploma for Merit from the Ministry of Culture and National Cultural Heritage in Poland in 2019.

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