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cover Ali MAKOUI
Avatar logo | Ali MAKOUI | Photographe visite virtuelle 360° 3D
  • Ali MAKOUI
    | photographe visite virtuelle 3D 360

  • Laguna Woods | États-Unis
  • Catégorie :

    Passionné de visite virtuelle

  • Je parle: Anglais
  • 0 J'aime
    776 Vue(s)
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À propos de moi

360 world is a new and exciting world, and I would like to expand my knowledge and mastery of methods and technics which would help me to better understand the subjects and excell in this fresh and exhilirating medium of expression. It would also be an amazing acheivement if I would be able to make a living , doing what I love. I belive that in the futute my main focus would be to create virtual tours for the real estate industry as well as Google Business application. it would also be an amazing tool in creating content for social media. at the end , I would like to thank everyone and anyone, who has, and will guide, assist and advice me in this endovour and empower me in reaching my goals.

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