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cover Belle Tan
Avatar logo | Belle Tan | Photographe visite virtuelle 360° 3D
  • Belle Tan
    | photographe visite virtuelle 3D 360

  • Singapore | Singapour
  • Catégorie :

    Professionnel de l'Immobilier

  • Je parle: Anglais
  • 0 J'aime
    861 Vue(s)
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À propos de moi

Belle has helped her clients achieve their dream homes through upgrading to a bigger, better lifestyle; expand their real estate portfolio by investing in projects with potential capital appreciation, and plan for their wealth preservation through asset progression. 


Share your objectives with Belle, let her show you with data, facts and figures how you can progress in your real estate journey, what you can/ should do, where to buy into and when is the right time to enter. Connect with Belle for a non-obligatory, professional consultation!

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