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cover Frédéric Millarès
Avatar logo | Frédéric Millarès | Photographe visite virtuelle 360° 3D
  • Frédéric Millarès
    | photographe visite virtuelle 3D 360

  • Paris | France
  • Catégorie :


  • Je parle: Anglais, Français
  • 0 J'aime
    1470 Vue(s)
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À propos de moi

am an Investment director and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment. I have worked as an independent adviser to several the Ministries of Finance and Economy all over the world and I am responsible for the management of private client and trustee ethical investment portfolios, with special interest in the development of social enterprise investment. I serve as a board director with one of the first class security company on appointment as the special adviser; l began my career at Burida Investment Management in 1999 after graduating from the University of West cape Verde. Then moved to Framlington 

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