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Michelle Baldini, MSLIS, has over 30 years experience with youth services and education, and has spent half of these years at Kent State’s iSchool. Currently, Baldini is Director of the Reinberger Children’s Library Center, an internationally recognized special collection and research facility. In this role, Baldini supports scholarly research, professional training for pre-service librarians and practitioners, professional conferences and symposia related to youth services and community outreach with a focus on early brain development/early learning, with a special focus on underserved youth and thier families. Baldini has worked as a children’s librarian, writer and instructional designer for K-12 educational programs, school media specialist, high school teacher and Director of preschool education. She has worked in children’s television (Reading Rainbow, Outbound Discovery Channel’s Discovery Kids) and is a children’s book author. Currently she serves on the Virginia Hamilton Conference Advisory Board, the Scott O’Dell Selection Committee and is Chair of the Arnold Adoff Award Committee. Her grant experience includes various roles in youth grant programming and development with her most recent role as the co-investigator for the IMLS National Leadership Grant, Project SHIELD.
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