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Avatar logo | Joao moizes | 360° 3D virtual tour photographer
  • Joao moizes
    | 360 3D photographer

  • Recife | Brazil
  • Category :

    3D Architect and Designer

  • I speak: Portuguese
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About me

I'm a 3D archviz designer that works producing static and 360º images for my clients. I work using 3DS Max + Corona Renderer + Adobe Photoshop.

I'm also a student at the Federal University of Pernambuco, in Brazil; where I'm a researcher at Laca²i (Lab. of Design and Analysis of Inteligent Artefacts).

I've worked at SAGA - School of Art, Gaming and Animation; where I started my carrer as a student of graphic design and, after, became a teacher assistant at an Archviz course. Where I learned the first thinks about 3D visualization.

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