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cover Mark Lim Zhan Chen
Avatar logo | Mark Lim Zhan Chen | 360° 3D virtual tour photographer
  • Mark Lim Zhan Chen
    | 360 3D photographer

  • Singapore | Singapore
  • I speak: Chinese (Mandarin), English
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About me
In the times of uncertainly, do you know when is the right time to enter/exit the property market? Do you know what projects, which locations that you can invest in?Lack of information on the market trends, valuations of the property, not knowing what property to buy, how much to value the property, etc are the frustrations i hear from clients. With 10 years of real estate experience and using our RAM system, i will be able to advise you more on your property progression journey.Contact me for a no obligation discussion on how to plan and start your property progression journey.
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